
Thursday, February 22, 2018

SpaMi Nail Bar: A Cut Above The Rest

Having your nails done under candelight and soothing music? What a great idea!

It looks like each pedicure station has it's own candle and divider curtain.

You can lay down for a massage as well. How great is that?

And what is really special is pay special attention to the video production.

Either the camera is on wheels, a person has a 'Steady cam' strapped to his body, or there is some freak-of-nature camera operator with extremely good balance!

And look at he cinematic way they 'pull focus' to bring you into the scene.

There is nothing more pleasing for an entrepreneur than to see a great small business idea flower and take root.

Well done SpaMi Nail Bar! Keep up the great work.

They have locations in Pennsylvania, Florida, Los Angeles and Texas.

Do you need one near you?

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Talk About Head In The Sand! 'You Mean It's Not A 60's Protest Movie?'LOL...

How crazy is this? Because of the Trumponian Era and the hyper, almost hysterical energy surrounding issues of sex and race today, I was completely shutting the promotion for this movie out of my consciousness without even knowing it lol... 

Which I might add makes this movie so super cool in many different ways. 

You see, when I was growing up The Black Panthers or the BPP (Black Panthers Party) was a revolutionary socialist organisation started in 1966. 

These were horrifically turbulent times. I can still remember live images of the police beating the living begeezus out of demonstrators in Grant Park at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.

Cassius Clay reemerged as Ali, the Champion of the World only to be stripped of his title for refusing the draft. Athletes protested the Olympics by receiving their Medals and National Anthem with fists of defiance pumped in the air.   

And it was an era of untimely death and tragedy; the Kennedys, and King, and even Hendrix, Morrsion and Joplin.

So when I saw the words Black Panther, I didn't look further. I was like 'been there done that, got the T-shirt AND the snow globe...'

Oh it's a Sci-Fi thriller not a 60's retrospective!!

After the Oscars and all that talk about the'whiteness' of Hollywood, how awesome is that ?

What a relief! :D

Enjoy the trailer and oh yes, these are Successful Times!

Friday, February 16, 2018

Success Knows - Stupid Is As Stupid Does

Call me stupid but I tell you, the more I admit about money and finance that I don't know today the the better choices I will make about money in the future.

Sounds good anyway...

That's why I am unashamed to say this article
SEC blocks Chicago Stock Exchange sale to China-based investors
was an real eye opener.

I never thought in a million years that a market which bought and sold shares of public companies could be privately owned!

Incredible! Here are a few other tid bits of info I found especially interesting:

  • CHX is a niche player in the industry, handling just 0.5 percent of U.S. equities trades. (I'm from Chicago. This sounds so cute and adorable. CHX is like the 'Cubbies' of Wall street!) 
  • The acquisition, which was proposed in February 2016 by Chongqing Casin Enterprise Group was worth around $25 million. (That's how much the Chicago White Sox paid for Cuban outfielder Luis Robert in 2017)
  • If the deal had been approved it would not be the first time a U.S. exchange had foreign owners. Deutsche Boerse AG bought the U.S.-based International Securities Exchange for $2.8 billion in 2007, before selling it to Nasdaq Inc for $1.1 billion in 2016. (A 1.7 billion dollar loss? Now that's what I call a tax write-off!)

Thursday, February 15, 2018

"The First Follower Transforms A Lone Nut Into A Leader !"

I love this video. So many hidden truths and parallels to business and to life in just under 3 minutes.

"Be public. Be easy to follow! But the biggest lesson here - did you catch it?

Leadership is over-glorified. Yes it started with the shirtless guy, and he'll get all the credit, but you saw what really happened: It was the first follower that transformed a lone nut into a leader. 

 There is no movement without the first follower. 

 We're told we all need to be leaders, but that would be really ineffective. The best way to make a movement, if you really care, is to courageously follow and show others how to follow. 

 When you find a lone nut doing something great, have the guts to be the first person to stand up and join in."

 © 2010 Derek Sivers

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Room and Board - A Blast From The Past Or The Wave Of The Future

Listen to the media long enough and we Americans don't sound that cool..

We don't want to work with our hands and when we do we want too much money.

We are too affluent, too spoiled and just plain too lazy to compete in today's marketplace.

As a result, when corporations leave to find cheaper labour in emerging markets, well... that's the way the cookie crumbles and in a world of cut throat capitalism we just plain deserve what we get.

Well, we here at Successful Times don't believe in everything we read or hear.

And a perfect example of why the above characterisation of the Americans so dreadfully incorrect can be summed up in 3 words; Room and Board.

We are going on investigative journey to explore this American success story.

Above is a little trailer we put together to wet you appetite.

Stay tuned. More to come...

Friday, February 9, 2018

What was the fastest growing city in 2017


noun: boom·town / ˈbüm-ˌtau̇n \

1. a town that has grown very rapidly as a result of sudden prosperity.

Not like the photo, unless we were alive in 1895... we're talking today.

What was the town rated by Derek Miller of as America's Top Boomtown of 2017?

How about Jefferson Hills or Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania? Or maybe Omaha or Lincoln, Nebraska? Lot's of oil jobs are growing those state economies.

Then there's towns like Beaumont and Brentwood, California; going strong and sure sound pretty enough.

No, the winner is a Caped Crusader; not Cape Cod, Cape Canaveral not even Cape Fear. It's a place we here at Success Times never heard of before.

What was the fastest growing city in 2017 out of the 19,519 cities of these United States?

That would be Cape Coral, in Lee County of Sunshine State of Florida.

So out of the box this was, we wondered what the metrics were; migrant influx? State tax breaks? a retirement oasis?

No, none of the above.

After further review it seems there is a carefully designed operation; a 'Happiness Machine' if you will.

It's a place where the Tourist Development Council (TDC), along with the Lee County Visitors Convention Bureau (VCB) regularly sift through data, develop strategies, implement and support objectives to make this place a little slice of paradise for the inhabitants lucky enough to land, park their shoes and call it home.

So instead of a long drawn out thesis that supports our findings, we do what we do best, give you the reader a break so you can get back to your life with a twinkle and a smile.

Here is a thousand, thousand words packed into a 2 minute video we created from VCB website and Facebook pics that says just about everything we want to say.

You're welcome :D

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

COLEMAN: "Hold on... I'm talking now...If you get down to the cold hard facts, climate change is not happening..."

RIP John Coleman. I grew up watching you on Channel 7 News in Chicago. I believe you were the first to use a chroma-key green screen to display weather maps. Only learned recently that you founded the Weather Channel. Love the way you stand your ground in of front the bought and paid for fake news circus freaks. 

John, we're gonna miss you!