
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Energy Crisis: Tribe's Brief Constrain, Uncomfortable for Obama

Oil and gas investments along with coal have been plagued for years with a factor of fear which is unique to the energy sector. Has any other commodity ever been disparaged and demonized they way fossil fuels have? The stories of global warming, homeless polar bears and baby seals along with the end of life as we know it are relentless.

Official photographic portrait of US President...
Official photographic portrait of US President Barack Obama (born 4 August 1961; assumed office 20 January 2009) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Just as fierce are public policy advocates such as Lord Monckton who document and publish data which proposes that the theory in which CO2 emissions effect climate is unsupported by scientific fact. And it is their mission at  the Science and Public Policy Institute to 'support the advancement of sensible public policies rooted in rational science and economics'.

But the fun doesn't stop there. The greenhouse gas debate has a recent added, almost Soap-Opera-like dimension to it. The dramatic outcome of which could have far reaching implication for coal, oil and gas investment and the entire energy sector. 

Laurence H. Tribe, still talks about of the POTUS as a proud teacher would of a star student, “He was one of the most amazing research assistants I’ve ever had.” However many Democrats and prominent members on the Liberal Left see Tribe as a traitor

Mr. Tribe 73 the highly regarded liberal scholar of constitutional law, has been retained by Peabody Energy, the nation’s largest coal company, in its quest to block an Environmental Protection Agency regulation that would reduce CO2 emissions from coal-fired power plants — the heart of Mr. Obama’s climate change agenda.

Mr. Tribe argues in a brief for the case that in requiring states to cut carbon emissions, the E.P.A. is asserting executive power far beyond its lawful authority under the Clean Air Act and likened the climate change policies of Mr. Obama to “burning the Constitution.”

One can expect that this fight over the E.P.A. regulations will take years and eventually go before the Supreme Court. If it does, Mr. Tribe may play a role in that case as well.

You can read all the juicy tid bits in the full New York Times article here. 

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