
Wednesday, June 6, 2018

An Interview with Steve Blackburn

Many of us were given artistic gifts that we enjoy pursuing as children. 

Then as time goes by we grow into adulthood and many of us put those talents aside to build a career and raise a family.

Time can see the passions of youth fade into the tapestry spun by greater responsibilities and commitments.

Or easier said, what you don't use, you lose...

But what if you were able to keep the fire going?

What if your were able to find a career which was the perfect blend of art and science?

And then what if you were able to retire from that profession and dive into the craft loved since you were a kid feet first?

Well that story, one of life, love, courage and creativity is told here with Steve Blackburn.

I really enjoyed doing this interview.

So much so that I lost track of time and the video file ended up being so large it was difficult to edit!

(Not to self: Keep interview under 15 minutes from now

At any rate; for all those with a childhood passion that was once put aside, listen to this interview.

Take it from Steve, your never to old to feel young again!

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